Heaven and Nature Sing

an advent devotional

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About Heaven and Nature Sing

Heaven and Nature Sing features 28 daily readings written by nine authors to guide the reader through Advent.

Compatible for a small group experience or individual devotional, the reflections and scripture-rooted meditations give different perspectives on the same topic:

Heaven: The reality of a heavenly realm interacting with earth

And: The connective nature between now and not yet

Nature: The beautiful, natural created world reflecting the coming King

Sing: The glory and praise due to the hope He brings to the world

Christmas Seamless Botanical Pattern.

As we prepare Him room in our hearts and our lives during a busy time of year, Heaven and Nature Sing provides a thoughtful pause of peaceful quiet for the mind, body, and soul to engage.

Meet the Authors

Written as an anthology, each of the strong female voices invite the reader to look at each topic from a slightly different angle delicately nuanced to experience the fullness of Advent.

Connie Armerding

Donna Dahlstrom

Jan Cowles

Jodi Cowles

Bethany McMillon

Hollis Mitchell

Rachael Mitchell

Indee Musa

Leslee Stewart

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